What we’re about

Here at TNW we are strong proponents of our Second Amendment rights and recognize that freedom equals responsibility. To maintain freedom we must shoulder responsibility and that is why Training Northwest was conceived. Our goal is to make firearm owners safe and proficient with their tools, and thus an asset to their communities.

What we focus on

Fundamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals! Safe handling practices and marksmanship are the pillars of both self-defense and sport shooting. Whether you are an expert or beginner, hunter, competition shooter, or concerned citizen focusing on fundamentals is key to increasing your skill.

Our Instructors


Tobin and Dave served together in the 75th Ranger Regiment and as CIA contractors. Between them they have more than 20 years experience deploying to extreme high threat environments. As a result both believe strongly in being prepared for emergency situations no matter how unlikely.

While the topic of firearms safety is serious they keep the instruction light and fun. The goal is knowledge transfer from them to you and that is better facilitated in a relaxed environment.